We help investors to maximize return with our experience in handling real estate projects, with our strength in analytics and with our ability to run different scenarios before taking key decisions.
Identifying Properties: Finding best properties to match investors requirements considering:
Acquisition Analysis: Analyzing the asset completely to fix the purchase price to get the investor’s desired returns
Acquisition Process: Helping investors in bidding process, due diligence process and make sure the best possible chance to acquire the asset
Maintenance: Forecasting possible major capital expenses and creating escrows to avoid financial burdens. Also minimize operating expenses in all possible ways with better maintenance and planning
Development: Analyzing the scope of development/renovation and coordinating with builders and other parties to complete the project within the budget and timeline
Exit Timing: Monitoring the market continuously and look for the best time to sell the asset to get maximum profit. Our in-depth exit analysis gives clear picture on whether to hold the asset or sell it.
Exit Process: We also support the investor in smooth exit process (preparing Teaser, Information Memorandum, Letter Of Indent (LOIs), Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs), etc.,)